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MACH 5 package front.jpg

MACH 5 by Access Software was available around 1984 and a follow up named MACH 128 was introduced to the market a little later. Like most speeders on this category the cartridge was well known mostly in the USA. We lately received MACH 128 dumps which sort of astonished us. So far only one usable MACH 128 ROM was dumped, but the cartridges we came across contained different MACH 5 versions. Slightly more info in the archive - nothing to get overly excited though.


  • Fast serial I/O (1541 floppy disk drives, 1571 with later versions)


  • more MACH 128 ROM Dumps
  • PAL ROM Dumps


Ripped again from mach5.c from the VICE emulator

    This cart has 8Kb ROM mapped at $8000-$9FFF.

    The $9E00-$9EFF range is mirrored at $DE00-$DEFF.
    The $9F00-$9FFF range is mirrored at $DF00-$DFFF.

    a write to IO1 selects 8K Game mode
    a write to IO2 disables the cartridge

Binaries contains:

  • MACH 5 NTSC v1a .bin and .crt
  • MACH 5 NTSC v1b .bin and .crt in two versions
  • MACH 5 NTSC v2a .bin and .crt
  • MACH 5 NTSC v3a .bin and .crt
  • MACH 128 v1a and v1b .bin
  • MACH_128_Utilities.D64 - while the header says MACH 5 this disk came with the 128 version


MACH 128 commercial(?) clone