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ExOS was developed by J.Schemmel and released by the german paper magazine 64'er in the December issue of 1986. It was published as a ROM patch which copied the original C64 Kernal to $2000 and patched it there. The reader was supposed to use a monitor to save the new ROM using a monitor then. The ROM is simply burned to an 8k eprom and added to the C64 using a kernal switching board then. ExOS does not require a change on the drive ROM.

REX Datentechnik released Exos v3 as a cartridge (order number 9805).

Exos V3

V-DOS by Völkner Electronic (order number 9716) was created by J.Schemmel as well and is said to have similarities.


  • Fast serial load (can be disabled)
  • LOAD"$",8 redirected to screen output on direct mode
  • Start and end address output
  • OLD function
  • RAM floppy functions
  • some extended LIST support


  • v3 to v4 changes are not yet documented
  • ExOS is known to be not the most reliable speeder due to the increased speeding of the stepper motor within the drive
