Template:BasicTimeline: Difference between revisions

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ImageSize  = width:1250 height:605
Define $skip = at:end # Force a blank line
ImageSize  = width:1200 height:auto barincrement:18
TimeAxis  = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy
PlotArea  = left:95 right:415 bottom:85 top:20
PlotArea  = left:95 right:415 bottom:85 top:20
Legend    = columns:3 left:220 top:57 columnwidth:160
Legend    = columns:3 left:220 top:57 columnwidth:160
Line 6: Line 9:

DateFormat = dd/mm/yyyy
DateFormat = dd/mm/yyyy
Period    = from:01/09/1939 till:02/09/1945
Period    = from:01/01/1982 till:01/12/2002

Colors =
Colors =
Line 16: Line 19:
  id:gray2  value:gray(0.5)        # for text
  id:gray2  value:gray(0.5)        # for text

  id:JT     value:red              legend:Japanese_Territory
  id:AR     value:red              legend:Action_Replay
  id:JI     value:rgb(0.7,0.3,0.3) legend:Japanese_Invasion
  id:CP     value:rgb(0.7,0.3,0.3) legend:Capture
  id:JO     value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)   legend:Japanese_Occupation
  id:EC     value:rgb(0,0,1)      legend:Expert_Cartridge
  id:US     value:rgb(0,0,1)       legend:United_States
id:FC    value:rgb(0.7,0.3,0.3) legend:Final_Cartridge
  id:AI     value:rgb(0.3,0.3,0.7) legend:Allied_Invasion
  id:FF     value:rgb(0.7,0.3,0.3) legend:Freeze_Frame
  id:AO     value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1)  legend:Allied_Occupation
  id:GK     value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)  legend:Gamekiller
  id:CT     value:yellow          legend:Chinese_Free_Territory
id:IP    value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)   legend:ISEPIC
  id:SB     value:rgb(0.8,0,0.7)  legend:Sea_Battles
  id:KC     value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)  legend:Power_Cartridge
  id:CO     value:rgb(0,0.5,0)     legend:Conference
  id:MF     value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)  legend:Magic_Formel
  id:RR     value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)  legend:Retro_Replay
id:U1    value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)  legend:1541_Ultimate
    id:line      value:rgb(0.2,0.2,0.2)
    id:lightline value:rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9)
    id:header     value:rgb(0.8,0.8,0.9)
    id:lighttext  value:rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5)
    id:current    value:rgb(0.9,0.9,0.9) legend:Still_currently_produced

BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas bars:bars
BackgroundColors = canvas:bg
ScaleMajor = gridcolor:lighttext unit:year increment:1 start:01/01/1982
ScaleMinor = gridcolor:lightline unit:month increment:1 start:01/01/1982

ScaleMajor  = gridcolor:grid1 unit:year  increment:1 start:01/01/1940
# BackgroundColors = canvas:canvas bars:bars
ScaleMinor  = gridcolor:grid2 unit:month increment:3 start:01/10/1939
# ScaleMajor  = gridcolor:grid1 unit:year  increment:1 start:01/01/1940
# ScaleMinor  = gridcolor:grid2 unit:month increment:3 start:01/10/1939

TimeAxis  = orientation:horizontal format:yyyy

BarData =
BarData =
   bar:Japan       text:[[Japan]]
   bar:Action Replay       text:[[Action_Replay]]
  bar:Manchukuo  text:[[Manchukuo]]
  bar:China      text:[[China]]
  bar:Korea      text:[[Korea]]
  bar:Burma      text:[[Burma]]
  bar:Thailand    text:[[Thailand]]
  bar:Indochina  text:[[Indochina]]
  bar:Malaya      text:[[Malaya]]
  bar:Singapore  text:[[Singapore]]
  bar:Indies      text:[[Dutch East Indies|Dutch Indies]]
  bar:Philippines text:[[Philippines]]
  bar:NewGuinea  text:[[New Guinea]]
  bar:Marianas    text:[[Northern Mariana Islands|Mariana Isl.]]
  bar:Carolinas  text:[[Caroline Islands|Caroline Isl.]]
  bar:Bismarcks  text:[[Bismarck Archipelago|Bismarck Isl.]]
  bar:Solomons    text:[[Solomon Islands|Solomon Isl.]]
  bar:Gilberts    text:[[Gilbert Islands|Gilbert Isl.]]
  bar:Marshalls  text:[[Marshall Islands|Marshall Isl.]]
  bar:Aleutians  text:[[Aleutian Islands|Aleutian Isl.]]
  bar:Wake        text:[[Wake Isl.]]
  bar:Midway      text:[[Midway Isl.]]
  bar:US          text:[[United States]]
  bar:SeaBattles  text:[[List of naval battles|Sea Battles]]
  bar:Conferences text:Conferences

Define $broad  = width:0.1in
Define $broad  = width:0.1in
Line 92: Line 82:
   fontsize:XS $broad
   fontsize:XS $broad

   bar:Japan           from:start      till:19/02/1945 color:JT
   bar:Action Replay           from:start      till:19/02/1990 color:AR
  bar:Japan          from:19/02/1945 till:14/03/1945 color:AI
  bar:Japan          from:14/03/1945 till:01/04/1945 color:JT
  bar:Japan          from:01/04/1945 till:22/06/1945 color:AI
  bar:Japan          from:22/06/1945 till:02/09/1945 color:JT
  bar:Japan          from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Manchukuo      from:start      till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:China          from:start      till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:China          from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:CT
  bar:Korea          from:start      till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Burma          from:15/12/1941 till:20/05/1942 color:JI
  bar:Burma          from:20/05/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Burma          from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Thailand        from:08/12/1941 till:14/12/1941 color:JI
  bar:Thailand        from:14/12/1941 till:15/07/1945 color:JO
  bar:Thailand        from:15/07/1944 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Indochina      from:23/07/1941 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Malaya          from:08/12/1941 till:31/01/1942 color:JI
  bar:Malaya          from:31/01/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Singapore      from:08/12/1941 till:15/02/1942 color:JI
  bar:Singapore      from:15/02/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Indies          from:12/01/1942 till:09/03/1942 color:JI
  bar:Indies          from:09/03/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Philippines    from:10/12/1941 till:10/05/1942 color:JI
  bar:Philippines    from:10/05/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Philippines    from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:AO
  bar:NewGuinea      from:25/01/1942 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Marianas        from:10/12/1941 till:15/06/1944 color:JO
  bar:Marianas        from:15/06/1944 till:10/08/1944 color:AI
  bar:Marianas        from:10/08/1944 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Carolinas      from:start      till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Bismarcks      from:23/01/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Bismarcks      from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Solomons        from:23/01/1942 till:25/08/1943 color:JO
  bar:Solomons        from:25/08/1943 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Gilberts        from:09/12/1941 till:20/11/1944 color:JO
  bar:Gilberts        from:20/11/1944 till:28/11/1944 color:AI
  bar:Gilberts        from:28/11/1944 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Marshalls      from:start      till:31/01/1944 color:JO
  bar:Marshalls      from:31/01/1944 till:23/02/1944 color:AI
  bar:Marshalls      from:23/02/1944 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Aleutians      from:07/06/1942 till:11/05/1943 color:JO
  bar:Aleutians      from:11/05/1943 till:28/07/1943 color:AI
  bar:Aleutians      from:28/07/1943 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Wake            from:start      till:08/12/1941 color:US
  bar:Wake            from:08/12/1941 till:23/12/1941 color:JI
  bar:Wake            from:23/12/1941 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Wake            from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:US
  bar:Midway          from:start      till:end        color:US
  bar:US              from:start      till:end        color:US

   bar:Japan          from:14/03/1945 till:02/09/1945 color:AO
   bar:Action Replay  from:14/03/1984 till:02/09/1991 color:AR
  bar:China          from:01/09/1939 till:02/09/1945 color:CT
  bar:Burma          from:13/02/1943 till:29/04/1943 color:AI
  bar:Burma          from:15/02/1944 till:02/09/1945 color:AI
  bar:Philippines    from:15/12/1944 till:02/09/1945 color:AI
  bar:NewGuinea      from:25/01/1942 till:10/03/1942 color:JI
  bar:NewGuinea      from:10/03/1942 till:22/01/1943 color:JO
  bar:Solomons        from:07/08/1942 till:09/02/1943 color:AI
  bar:Solomons        from:09/02/1943 till:25/08/1943 color:AO
  bar:Bismarcks      from:15/12/1943 till:14/05/1944 color:AI
  bar:Bismarcks      from:14/05/1944 till:02/09/1945 color:AO
  bar:SeaBattles color:SB $broad $center
  from:07/12/1941 till:07/12/1941 text:[[Pearl Harbour|1]]2
  from:10/12/1941 till:10/12/1941
  from:19/02/1942 till:19/02/1942 text:345
  from:25/02/1942 till:25/02/1942
  from:01/03/1942 till:03/03/1942
  from:07/05/1942 till:08/05/1942 text:6
  from:04/06/1942 till:07/06/1942 text:7
  from:09/08/1942 till:09/08/1942 text:8
  from:24/08/1942 till:25/08/1942 text:9
  from:26/10/1942 till:26/10/1942 text:10
  from:03/03/1943 till:05/03/1943 text:11
  from:19/06/1944 till:20/06/1944 text:12
  from:23/10/1944 till:27/10/1944 text:13
  bar:Conferences color:CO $broad $center
  from:15/09/1940 till:17/09/1940 text:[[Tripartite Pact|1]]
  from:09/08/1941 till:12/08/1941 text:[[Atlantic Charter|2]]
  from:29/09/1941 till:01/10/1941 text:3
  from:22/12/1941 till:14/01/1942 text:4
  from:14/01/1943 till:24/01/1943 text:[[Casablanca Conference|5]]
  from:17/08/1943 till:24/08/1943 text:6
  from:18/10/1943 till:01/11/1943 text:78
  from:22/11/1943 till:25/11/1943
  from:26/11/1943 till:01/12/1943 text:9
  from:01/07/1944 till:22/07/1944 text:[[Bretton Woods Conference|10]]
  from:04/02/1945 till:11/02/1945 text:[[Yalta Conference|11]]
  from:25/04/1945 till:26/06/1945 text:[[United Nations|12]]
  from:17/07/1945 till:02/08/1945 text:[[Potsdam Conference|13]]

   bar:Japan textcolor:red fontsize:S
   bar:Japan textcolor:red fontsize:S
Line 193: Line 94:
   textcolor:black fontsize:XS
   textcolor:black fontsize:XS
   at:27/07/1940 $rightpos2 text:"[[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Co-Prosperity Sphere]] 27/7" mark:(line,white)
   at:27/07/1940 $rightpos2 text:"[[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Co-Prosperity Sphere]] 27/7" mark:(line,white)
  at:27/09/1940 $left      text:"27/9 [[Tripartite Pact]]"      mark:(line,white)
  at:18/04/1942 $leftneg1  text:"18/4 [[Doolittle Raid]]"      mark:(line,white)
  at:18/04/1943 $leftneg1  text:"18/4 [[Yamamoto Isoroku|Adm. Yamamoto]] killed" mark:(line,white)
  at:19/02/1945 $rightneg1 text:"[[Battle of Iwo Jima|Iwo Jima]] 19/2-14/3 ~[[Battle of Okinawa|Okinawa]] 1/4-22/6" mark:(line,white)
  at:01/04/1945 mark:(line,white)
  at:06/08/1945 $right    text:[[Hiroshima]] 6/8~[[Nagasaki, Nagasaki|Nagasaki]] 9/8~Japan surrenders 2/9
  bar:China          at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:since 1937 (partial)
  bar:Manchukuo      at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:since 1931
  bar:Korea          at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:since 1905
  bar:Solomons        at:23/01/1942 $leftneg1  text:23/1
  bar:Solomons        at:07/08/1942 $leftneg1  text:7/8 [[Guadalcanal]] 9/2
  bar:Solomons        at:25/08/1943 $leftneg1  text:25/8 New Georgia taken
  bar:Carolinas      at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:Japanese mandate since 1914
  bar:Carolinas      at:20/04/1944 $leftneg1  text:"20-30/4 Jap. base on [[Truk]] destroyed" mark:(line,white)
  bar:Bismarcks      at:23/01/1942 $leftneg1  text:23/1 [[Rabaul]]
  bar:Bismarcks      at:15/12/1943 $leftneg1  text:15/12
  bar:Bismarcks      at:14/05/1944 $leftneg1  text:14/5 New Brittain  except Rabaul
  bar:Gilberts        at:09/12/1941 $leftPH    text:9/12 Makin  [[Tarawa]]
  bar:Gilberts        at:20/11/1944 $leftneg1  text:20-28/11
  bar:Marshalls      at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:Japanese mandate since 1914
  bar:Marshalls      at:21/01/1944 $leftneg1  text:21/1-23/2
  bar:Marianas        at:10/12/1941 $leftPH    text:10/12 [[Guam]]
  bar:Marianas        at:15/06/1944 $leftneg1  text:15/6
  bar:Wake            at:08/12/1941 $leftPH    text:8/12
  bar:Aleutians      at:07/06/1942 $leftneg1  text:7/6
  bar:Aleutians      at:11/05/1943 $leftneg1  text:11/5
  bar:Aleutians      at:28/07/1943 $leftneg1  text:28/7
  bar:Thailand        at:08/12/1941 $leftPH    text:8-14/12 [[Thailand]] allies with Japan
  bar:Thailand        at:15/07/1944 $leftneg1  text:./7 Pro Japanese govt. ousted
  bar:Malaya          at:08/12/1941 $leftPH    text:8/12-13/1
  bar:Singapore      at:08/12/1941 $leftPH    text:8/12-15/2
  bar:Burma          at:15/12/1941 $left      text:15/12
  bar:Burma          at:20/05/1942 $leftneg1  text:20/5
  bar:Burma          at:13/02/1943 $leftneg1  text:13/2-29/4 [[Chindits]]
  bar:Burma          at:15/02/1944 $leftneg1  text:5/2 Chindits
  bar:Burma          at:15/02/1944 $leftneg1  text:5/2 Chindits
  bar:Philippines    at:10/12/1941 $leftPH    text:10/12
  bar:Philippines    at:10/05/1942 $leftneg1  text:10/5
  bar:Philippines    at:15/12/1944 $leftneg1  text:15/12 (9/1 [[Luzon]])
  bar:Indies          at:12/01/1942 $leftneg1  text:12/1
  bar:Indies          at:09/03/1942 $left      text:9/3
  bar:NewGuinea      at:25/01/1942 $leftneg1  text:25/1
  bar:NewGuinea      at:10/03/1942 $left      text:10/3
  bar:NewGuinea      at:22/01/1943 $left      text:22/1
  bar:Midway          at:04/06/1942 $leftneg1  text:"4-7/6 [[Battle of Midway]]" mark:(line,white)
  bar:Indochina      at:23/07/1941 $leftneg1  text:23/7
  bar:US              at:26/07/1940 $right    text:"Sanctions 26/7" mark:(line,white)
  bar:US              at:25/09/1940 $leftneg1  text:"25/9 [[Ultra]]" mark:(line,white)
  bar:US              at:26/06/1941 $leftneg1  text:"26/7 [[Embargo]]" mark:(line,white)
  bar:US              at:07/12/1941 $leftPH    text:7/12 [[Pearl Harbour]]
TextData =
  text:[[World War II]] - Pacific Theatre
TextData =
  pos:(850,573) tabs:(13-left,108-right,116-left,210-left) lineheight:13
  text:Preliminary events
  text:^1933^ 27/3^Japan leaves [[League of Nations]]
  text:^1940^ 25/9^project [[Ultra]] - Japanese code cracked
  text:^    ^ 27/7^Japan claims [[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Greater East Asia]]
  text:^    ^    ^                      ^[[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Co-Prosperity Sphere]]
  text:^    ^ 27/9^Japan signs [[Tripartite Pact]] with Germ./Italy
  text:^1941^ 26/7^US freezes Jap. assets, oil/steel [[embargo]]
  text:^    ^30/11^Japan makes final decision to attack US
TextData =
  pos:(850,445) tabs:(10-right,13-left,108-right,116-left) lineheight:13
  text:Sea Battles
  text:^ 1^1942^7/12^Japanese attack [[Pearl Harbour]]
  text:^ 2^^10/12^Japanese [[aircraft carrier|carrier aircraft]] sink
  text:^  ^^^Prince of Wales and Repulse (Br.)
  text:^ 3^^19/2^Battle of Lumbok Str
  text:^ 4^^25/2^[[Battle of the Java Sea]]
  text:^ 5^^1/3^Battle of Sunda Str
  text:^ 6^^7-8/5^[[Battle of the Coral Sea]]
  text:^ 7^^4-7/6^[[Battle of Midway]]
  text:^ 8^^9/8^[[Battle of Savo Island]]
  text:^ 9^^24-25/8^[[Battle of the Eastern Solomons]]
  text:^10^^26/10^[[Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands]]
  text:^11^1943 ^3-5/3^Battle of Bismarck Sea
  text:^12^1944 ^ 19-20/6^[[Battle of the Philippine Sea]]
  text:^13^^23-27/10^[[Battle of Leyte Gulf]]
TextData =
  pos:(850,230) tabs:(10-right,13-left,108-right,116-left,220-left) lineheight:13
  text:^ 1^ 1940^      27/9^[[Berlin]] Ger,It,Jap Tripartite Pact
  text:^ 2^ 1941^    9-12/8^N-Atlantic VS,GB [[Atlantic Charter]]
  text:^ 3^ 1941^ 29/9-1/10^[[Moscow]] US,GB,SU  more aid to SU
  text:^ 4^41/42^22/12-14/1^[[Washington]] US,GB 'Europe first' + [[United Nations|UN]] draft
  text:^ 5^ 1943^  14-24/1^[[Casablanca Conference|Casablanca]] US,GB
  text:^ 6^    ^  17-24/8^[[Quebec]]
  text:^ 7^    ^18/10-1/11^Moscow US,GB,SU
  text:^ 8^    ^  22-25/11^[[Cairo]] US,GB,China
  text:^ 9^    ^26/11-1/12^[[Tehran]] US,GB,SU
  text:^10^ 1944^    1-22/7^[[Bretton Woods Conference|Bretton Woods]] 44 nations est. [[IMF]] + [[World Bank]]
  text:^11^ 1945^    4-11/2^[[Yalta Conference|Yalta]] US,GB,SU
  text:^12^    ^ 25/4-26/6^[[San Francisco]] 46 nations UN Charter
  text:^13^    ^  17/7-2/8^[[Potsdam Conference|Potsdam]] US,GB,SU

TextData =
TextData =
Line 309: Line 101:
   text:Date format dd/mm
   text:Date format dd/mm
  text:"Author [http://eza.gemm.nl|Erik Zachte]" # link:http://eza.gemm.nl
  text:Version 2.0 - April 6 2004
  text:"Plot generated with [http://members.chello.nl/epzachte/Wikipedia/EasyTimeline/Introduction.htm|EasyTimeline]"

Revision as of 23:50, 2 March 2010

Unable to compile EasyTimeline input:

EasyTimeline 1.90

Timeline generation failed: 10 errors found
Line 32: BackgroundColors = canvas:bg

- BackgroundColors definition invalid. Attribute 'canvas': unknown color 'bg'.

 Specify command 'Color' before this command.

Line 41: bar:Action Replay text:Action_Replay

- Invalid attribute 'Replay' ignored.

 Specify attributes as 'name:value' pairs.

Line 68: at:07/12/1941 color:red layer:back

- LineData attribute 'at' invalid.

 Date '07/12/1941' not within range as specified by command Period.

Line 71: bar:Action Replay from:start till:19/02/1990 color:AR

- Invalid attribute 'Replay' ignored.

 Specify attributes as 'name:value' pairs.

Line 73: bar:Action Replay from:14/03/1984 till:02/09/1991 color:AR

- Invalid attribute 'Replay' ignored.

 Specify attributes as 'name:value' pairs.

Line 74: bar:Japan textcolor:red fontsize:S

- PlotData invalid. Bar 'Japan' not (properly) defined.

Line 75: at:01/09/1939 align:left shift:( 0, 10) text:"< WW2 starts in Europe"

- Plotdata attribute 'at' invalid.

 Date '01/09/1939' not within range as specified by command Period.

Line 76: at:02/09/1945 align:right shift:( 0, 10) text:"end of WW2 >"

- Plotdata attribute 'at' invalid.

 Date '02/09/1945' not within range as specified by command Period.

Line 77: at:07/12/1941 align:left shift:( 0, 10) text:"< WW2 reaches Asia"

- Plotdata attribute 'at' invalid.

 Date '07/12/1941' not within range as specified by command Period.

Line 79: at:27/07/1940 align:right shift:( 20, -15) text:"Co-Prosperity Sphere 27/7" mark:(line,white)

- Plotdata attribute 'at' invalid.

 Date '27/07/1940' not within range as specified by command Period.