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Period    = from:1919 till:1991
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Period    = from:01/09/1939 till:02/09/1945
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id:JO    value:rgb(1,0.7,0.7)  legend:Japanese_Occupation
id:US    value:rgb(0,0,1)      legend:United_States
id:AI    value:rgb(0.3,0.3,0.7) legend:Allied_Invasion
id:AO    value:rgb(0.7,0.7,1)  legend:Allied_Occupation
id:CT    value:yellow          legend:Chinese_Free_Territory
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id:CO    value:rgb(0,0.5,0)    legend:Conference
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  bar:Burma      text:[[Burma]]
  bar:Thailand    text:[[Thailand]]
  bar:Indochina  text:[[Indochina]]
  bar:Malaya      text:[[Malaya]]
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  bar:Philippines text:[[Philippines]]
  bar:NewGuinea  text:[[New Guinea]]
  bar:Marianas    text:[[Northern Mariana Islands|Mariana Isl.]]
  bar:Carolinas  text:[[Caroline Islands|Caroline Isl.]]
  bar:Bismarcks  text:[[Bismarck Archipelago|Bismarck Isl.]]
  bar:Solomons    text:[[Solomon Islands|Solomon Isl.]]
  bar:Gilberts    text:[[Gilbert Islands|Gilbert Isl.]]
  bar:Marshalls  text:[[Marshall Islands|Marshall Isl.]]
  bar:Aleutians  text:[[Aleutian Islands|Aleutian Isl.]]
  bar:Wake        text:[[Wake Isl.]]
  bar:Midway      text:[[Midway Isl.]]
  bar:US          text:[[United States]]
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   from:start till:1922 shift:(,15)  text:Vladimir~Ilyich~[[Lenin]]
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  bar:Japan          from:14/03/1945 till:01/04/1945 color:JT
   from:1964 till:1982 shift:(,5)   text:Leonid~[[Brezhnev]]
  bar:Japan          from:01/04/1945 till:22/06/1945 color:AI
   from:1982 till:1984 shift:(,-12)  text:Yuri~[[Andropov]]
  bar:Japan          from:22/06/1945 till:02/09/1945 color:JT
   from:1984 till:1985 shift:(,4)    text:Konstantin~[[Chernenko]] fontsize:XS
  bar:Japan          from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:AO
   from:1985 till:end  shift:(,10)  text:Mikhail~[[Gorbachev]]
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  bar:China          from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:CT
  bar:Korea          from:start      till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Burma          from:15/12/1941 till:20/05/1942 color:JI
  bar:Burma          from:20/05/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Burma          from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:AO
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  bar:Thailand        from:14/12/1941 till:15/07/1945 color:JO
  bar:Thailand        from:15/07/1944 till:end        color:AO
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  bar:Malaya          from:31/01/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
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  bar:Singapore      from:15/02/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
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  bar:Indies          from:09/03/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
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  bar:Philippines    from:10/05/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Philippines    from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:AO
  bar:NewGuinea      from:25/01/1942 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Marianas        from:10/12/1941 till:15/06/1944 color:JO
  bar:Marianas        from:15/06/1944 till:10/08/1944 color:AI
  bar:Marianas        from:10/08/1944 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Carolinas      from:start      till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Bismarcks      from:23/01/1942 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Bismarcks      from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Solomons        from:23/01/1942 till:25/08/1943 color:JO
  bar:Solomons        from:25/08/1943 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Gilberts        from:09/12/1941 till:20/11/1944 color:JO
  bar:Gilberts        from:20/11/1944 till:28/11/1944 color:AI
  bar:Gilberts        from:28/11/1944 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Marshalls      from:start      till:31/01/1944 color:JO
  bar:Marshalls      from:31/01/1944 till:23/02/1944 color:AI
  bar:Marshalls      from:23/02/1944 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Aleutians      from:07/06/1942 till:11/05/1943 color:JO
  bar:Aleutians      from:11/05/1943 till:28/07/1943 color:AI
  bar:Aleutians      from:28/07/1943 till:end        color:AO
  bar:Wake            from:start      till:08/12/1941 color:US
  bar:Wake            from:08/12/1941 till:23/12/1941 color:JI
  bar:Wake            from:23/12/1941 till:02/09/1945 color:JO
  bar:Wake            from:02/09/1945 till:end        color:US
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  bar:US              from:start      till:end        color:US
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  bar:Burma          from:13/02/1943 till:29/04/1943 color:AI
  bar:Burma          from:15/02/1944 till:02/09/1945 color:AI
  bar:Philippines    from:15/12/1944 till:02/09/1945 color:AI
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  bar:NewGuinea      from:10/03/1942 till:22/01/1943 color:JO
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  bar:Solomons        from:09/02/1943 till:25/08/1943 color:AO
  bar:Bismarcks      from:15/12/1943 till:14/05/1944 color:AI
  bar:Bismarcks      from:14/05/1944 till:02/09/1945 color:AO
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  from:04/06/1942 till:07/06/1942 text:7
  from:09/08/1942 till:09/08/1942 text:8
  from:24/08/1942 till:25/08/1942 text:9
  from:26/10/1942 till:26/10/1942 text:10
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  from:19/06/1944 till:20/06/1944 text:12
  from:23/10/1944 till:27/10/1944 text:13
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  from:09/08/1941 till:12/08/1941 text:[[Atlantic Charter|2]]
  from:29/09/1941 till:01/10/1941 text:3
  from:22/12/1941 till:14/01/1942 text:4
  from:14/01/1943 till:24/01/1943 text:[[Casablanca Conference|5]]
  from:17/08/1943 till:24/08/1943 text:6
  from:18/10/1943 till:01/11/1943 text:78
  from:22/11/1943 till:25/11/1943
  from:26/11/1943 till:01/12/1943 text:9
  from:01/07/1944 till:22/07/1944 text:[[Bretton Woods Conference|10]]
  from:04/02/1945 till:11/02/1945 text:[[Yalta Conference|11]]
  from:25/04/1945 till:26/06/1945 text:[[United Nations|12]]
  from:17/07/1945 till:02/08/1945 text:[[Potsdam Conference|13]]
  bar:Japan textcolor:red fontsize:S
  at:01/09/1939 $leftWW2  text:"< WW2 starts in Europe"
  at:02/09/1945 $rightWW2  text:"end of WW2 >"
  at:07/12/1941 $leftWW2  text:"< WW2 reaches Asia"
  textcolor:black fontsize:XS
  at:27/07/1940 $rightpos2 text:"[[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Co-Prosperity Sphere]] 27/7" mark:(line,white)
  at:27/09/1940 $left     text:"27/9 [[Tripartite Pact]]"      mark:(line,white)
  at:18/04/1942 $leftneg1  text:"18/4 [[Doolittle Raid]]"      mark:(line,white)
   at:18/04/1943 $leftneg1  text:"18/4 [[Yamamoto Isoroku|Adm. Yamamoto]] killed" mark:(line,white)
   at:19/02/1945 $rightneg1 text:"[[Battle of Iwo Jima|Iwo Jima]] 19/2-14/3 ~[[Battle of Okinawa|Okinawa]] 1/4-22/6" mark:(line,white)
  at:01/04/1945 mark:(line,white)
   at:06/08/1945 $right    text:[[Hiroshima]] 6/8~[[Nagasaki, Nagasaki|Nagasaki]] 9/8~Japan surrenders 2/9
  bar:China          at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:since 1937 (partial)
  bar:Manchukuo      at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:since 1931
  bar:Korea          at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:since 1905
  bar:Solomons        at:23/01/1942 $leftneg1  text:23/1
  bar:Solomons        at:07/08/1942 $leftneg1  text:7/8 [[Guadalcanal]] 9/2
  bar:Solomons        at:25/08/1943 $leftneg1  text:25/8 New Georgia taken
   bar:Carolinas      at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:Japanese mandate since 1914
  bar:Carolinas      at:20/04/1944 $leftneg1 text:"20-30/4 Jap. base on [[Truk]] destroyed" mark:(line,white)
  bar:Bismarcks      at:23/01/1942 $leftneg1  text:23/1 [[Rabaul]]
  bar:Bismarcks      at:15/12/1943 $leftneg1  text:15/12
  bar:Bismarcks      at:14/05/1944 $leftneg1  text:14/5 New Brittain  except Rabaul
  bar:Gilberts        at:09/12/1941 $leftPH    text:9/12 Makin  [[Tarawa]]
  bar:Gilberts        at:20/11/1944 $leftneg1  text:20-28/11
  bar:Marshalls      at:01/09/1939 $leftpos1  text:Japanese mandate since 1914
  bar:Marshalls      at:21/01/1944 $leftneg1  text:21/1-23/2
  bar:Marianas        at:10/12/1941 $leftPH   text:10/12 [[Guam]]
   bar:Marianas        at:15/06/1944 $leftneg1  text:15/6
  bar:Wake            at:08/12/1941 $leftPH    text:8/12
  bar:Aleutians      at:07/06/1942 $leftneg1 text:7/6
  bar:Aleutians      at:11/05/1943 $leftneg1  text:11/5
  bar:Aleutians      at:28/07/1943 $leftneg1  text:28/7
  bar:Thailand        at:08/12/1941 $leftPH    text:8-14/12 [[Thailand]] allies with Japan
  bar:Thailand        at:15/07/1944 $leftneg1  text:./7 Pro Japanese govt. ousted
  bar:Malaya          at:08/12/1941 $leftPH    text:8/12-13/1
  bar:Singapore      at:08/12/1941 $leftPH   text:8/12-15/2
  bar:Burma          at:15/12/1941 $left      text:15/12
  bar:Burma          at:20/05/1942 $leftneg1  text:20/5
  bar:Burma          at:13/02/1943 $leftneg1  text:13/2-29/4 [[Chindits]]
   bar:Burma          at:15/02/1944 $leftneg1  text:5/2 Chindits
  bar:Burma          at:15/02/1944 $leftneg1  text:5/2 Chindits
  bar:Philippines    at:10/12/1941 $leftPH    text:10/12
  bar:Philippines    at:10/05/1942 $leftneg1 text:10/5
  bar:Philippines    at:15/12/1944 $leftneg1  text:15/12 (9/1 [[Luzon]])
  bar:Indies          at:12/01/1942 $leftneg1  text:12/1
  bar:Indies          at:09/03/1942 $left      text:9/3
  bar:NewGuinea      at:25/01/1942 $leftneg1  text:25/1
  bar:NewGuinea      at:10/03/1942 $left      text:10/3
  bar:NewGuinea      at:22/01/1943 $left      text:22/1
  bar:Midway          at:04/06/1942 $leftneg1  text:"4-7/6 [[Battle of Midway]]" mark:(line,white)
   bar:Indochina      at:23/07/1941 $leftneg1 text:23/7
  bar:US              at:26/07/1940 $right    text:"Sanctions 26/7" mark:(line,white)
  bar:US              at:25/09/1940 $leftneg1 text:"25/9 [[Ultra]]" mark:(line,white)
   bar:US              at:26/06/1941 $leftneg1 text:"26/7 [[Embargo]]" mark:(line,white)
  bar:US              at:07/12/1941 $leftPH    text:7/12 [[Pearl Harbour]]
TextData =
  text:[[World War II]] - Pacific Theatre
TextData =
  pos:(850,573) tabs:(13-left,108-right,116-left,210-left) lineheight:13
  text:Preliminary events
  text:^1933^ 27/3^Japan leaves [[League of Nations]]
  text:^1940^ 25/9^project [[Ultra]] - Japanese code cracked
  text:^    ^ 27/7^Japan claims [[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Greater East Asia]]
  text:^    ^    ^                      ^[[Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere|Co-Prosperity Sphere]]
  text:^   ^ 27/9^Japan signs [[Tripartite Pact]] with Germ./Italy
  text:^1941^ 26/7^US freezes Jap. assets, oil/steel [[embargo]]
  text:^    ^30/11^Japan makes final decision to attack US
TextData =
  pos:(850,445) tabs:(10-right,13-left,108-right,116-left) lineheight:13
  text:Sea Battles
  text:^ 1^1942^7/12^Japanese attack [[Pearl Harbour]]
  text:^ 2^^10/12^Japanese [[aircraft carrier|carrier aircraft]] sink
   text:^ ^^^Prince of Wales and Repulse (Br.)
  text:^ 3^^19/2^Battle of Lumbok Str
  text:^ 4^^25/2^[[Battle of the Java Sea]]
  text:^ 5^^1/3^Battle of Sunda Str
  text:^ 6^^7-8/5^[[Battle of the Coral Sea]]
  text:^ 7^^4-7/6^[[Battle of Midway]]
  text:^ 8^^9/8^[[Battle of Savo Island]]
  text:^ 9^^24-25/8^[[Battle of the Eastern Solomons]]
  text:^10^^26/10^[[Battle of the Santa Cruz Islands]]
  text:^11^1943 ^3-5/3^Battle of Bismarck Sea
  text:^12^1944 ^ 19-20/6^[[Battle of the Philippine Sea]]
  text:^13^^23-27/10^[[Battle of Leyte Gulf]]
TextData =
  pos:(850,230) tabs:(10-right,13-left,108-right,116-left,220-left) lineheight:13
  text:^ 1^ 1940^      27/9^[[Berlin]] Ger,It,Jap Tripartite Pact
  text:^ 2^ 1941^    9-12/8^N-Atlantic VS,GB [[Atlantic Charter]]
  text:^ 3^ 1941^ 29/9-1/10^[[Moscow]] US,GB,SU  more aid to SU
   text:^ 4^41/42^22/12-14/1^[[Washington]] US,GB 'Europe first' + [[United Nations|UN]] draft
  text:^ 5^ 1943^  14-24/1^[[Casablanca Conference|Casablanca]] US,GB
  text:^ 6^    ^  17-24/8^[[Quebec]]
  text:^ 7^    ^18/10-1/11^Moscow US,GB,SU
  text:^ 8^    ^  22-25/11^[[Cairo]] US,GB,China
  text:^ 9^    ^26/11-1/12^[[Tehran]] US,GB,SU
  text:^10^ 1944^    1-22/7^[[Bretton Woods Conference|Bretton Woods]] 44 nations est. [[IMF]] + [[World Bank]]
  text:^11^ 1945^    4-11/2^[[Yalta Conference|Yalta]] US,GB,SU
  text:^12^    ^ 25/4-26/6^[[San Francisco]] 46 nations UN Charter
  text:^13^    ^  17/7-2/8^[[Potsdam Conference|Potsdam]] US,GB,SU

TextData =
  pos:(735,22)  tabs:(100-left)
  text:Date format dd/mm
  text:"Author [http://eza.gemm.nl|Erik Zachte]" # link:http://eza.gemm.nl
  text:Version 2.0 - April 6 2004
  text:"Plot generated with [http://members.chello.nl/epzachte/Wikipedia/EasyTimeline/Introduction.htm|EasyTimeline]"

Revision as of 23:11, 2 March 2010

Pearl HarbourEmbargoUltraBattle of MidwayLuzonChinditsThailandGuamTarawaRabaulTrukGuadalcanalNagasaki, NagasakiHiroshimaBattle of OkinawaBattle of Iwo JimaYamamoto IsorokuDoolittle RaidTripartite PactGreater East Asia Co-Prosperity SpherePotsdam ConferenceUnited NationsYalta ConferenceBretton Woods ConferenceCasablanca ConferenceAtlantic CharterTripartite PactPearl Harbourmembers.chello.nl/..eza.gemm.nl/..Potsdam ConferenceSan FranciscoYalta ConferenceBretton Woods ConferenceTehranCairoQuebecCasablanca ConferenceWashingtonMoscowAtlantic CharterBerlinBattle of Leyte GulfBattle of the Philippine SeaBattle of the Santa Cruz IslandsBattle of the Eastern SolomonsBattle of Savo IslandBattle of MidwayBattle of the Coral SeaBattle of the Java Seaaircraft carrierPearl HarbourembargoTripartite PactGreater East Asia Co-Prosperity SphereGreater East Asia Co-Prosperity SphereUltraLeague of NationsWorld War IIList of naval battlesUnited StatesMidway Isl.Wake Isl.Aleutian IslandsMarshall IslandsGilbert IslandsSolomon IslandsBismarck ArchipelagoCaroline IslandsNorthern Mariana IslandsNew GuineaPhilippinesDutch East IndiesSingaporeMalayaIndochinaThailandBurmaKoreaChinaManchukuoJapan